About our school

At Warooka Primary School there’s a strong emphasis on student voice. All students are encouraged to help in leading their school – from suggesting ideas for improvements in administration and class structures, through to negotiating their learning.

Our students enjoy access to a wide range of learning tools for daily use in their learning activities. This includes cameras, iPads, laptops and smartboards.

We have a strong physical education program and a Sporting Schools program. Students can engage in a range of sporting competitions, such as:

  • SAPSASA district teams and knockout events
  • the school’s annual cross-country event
  • sports day
  • interschool sports day.

Environmental education is an important focus for our school, with students involved in a range of initiatives and activities.

Current enrolments

Our School currently has 60 enrolled students

Our vision

Our goal as a school is to enable young people to develop and acquire the skills to thrive and contribute to the global world.

Communication, Responsibility, Respect, Honesty, Happiness

  • Friendship – being kind, caring and friendly to others.
  • Respect – actively listening, using good manners and considering others’ needs.
  • Integrity – honesty, trustworthiness and taking responsibility for our actions.
  • Support – encouraging and helping others to achieve their best.
  • Determination – always trying our best and never giving up.


“The learning experience at Department School is fantastic. There’s full support from the teachers, who encourage and challenge my children to always do their best.”

Jo Black

Parent of Department School Student